Previous Projects

Industrial Cleaning

Buffalo, NY

Celtic was contracted to perform the industrial cleaning of a former steel manufacturing facility in Buffalo, NY. The scope included cleaning all pits/trenches of all sludges/oils, pressure-washing all contaminated areas, and backfilling all pits and trenches with clean stone. The project was performed under a tight schedule to facilitate property transfer.

Property Maintenance & Build Out

Niagara Falls, NY

Celtic was contracted to facilitate the Strip Out, Industrial Cleaning, and Build Out of a former industrial facility in Niagara Falls, NY. Work was performed in multiple phases and included interior renovations of numerous offices and bathrooms and the build-out of future work areas. Celtic is also handling all property maintenance for this facility, including landscaping and snow plowing services.

Equipment Salvage & Cleaning

Cleveland, OH

Celtic was contracted to remove and salvage numerous generators and air compressors located in an industrial facility near Cleveland, OH. Work included the removal, full cleaning, and load-out of the equipment and was successfully completed on time and within budget.

Data Center Construction

Niagara Falls, NY

Celtic was contracted to perform a complete construction of Data Mining Halls in a facility located in Niagara Falls, NY. Work included the installation of 14+ garage doors, constructing a new switchyard, and designing and installing 5 air ventilation penthouses. Work was performed safely and efficiently, with minimal disruption to facility operations. All work was completed over a live operating facility, including hundreds of operating miners directly below the work area.

Structural Reinforcement

Lockport, NY

Celtic was contracted to perform a Structural Reinforcement for a site in Lockport, NY. Work included the installation of new steel columns and selecting roof purlins to stabilize the structure. Additionally, our team designed and fabricated 45-degree steel supports to help transfer roof loads to new support columns. Without disrupting plant production, Celtic removed and replaced all structural support columns for the active Plant Load Out Building and completed the project safely ahead of schedule.

Spray Foam & Industial Coatings

Buffalo, NY

Celtic was contracted to perform a Spray Foam & Industial Coatings for a site in Buffalo, NY. Work included:

  • Sprayed entire 80,000 sf roof with 1.5” of 4 lb. SPF roofing foam.

  • Coated entire roof with 2 coats of SI-92 Silicone Coating for weather


  • Sprayed over 35,000sf of exterior brick walls with closed cell foam. Covered all foam with tinted exterior coating for weather protection.

  • Sprayed over 80,000sf or interior ceilings, and 90,000 sf of interior walls with open cell foam for insulation and sound mitigation.

  • Coated all interior walls and ceilings with DC315 Fireproof coating to comply with all building codes.

Structural Replacement

Buffalo, NY

Celtic was contracted to perform a Structural Replacement for a site in Buffalo, NY. Work included:

  • Removed over 60 damaged roof sections.

  • Replaced all structural members that were damaged from corrosion and

    section loss.

  • Installed new structural members and roof decking to over 60 roof sections.

  • Installed all new steel columns and selected roof purlins to stabilize structure.

  • Project was safely completed ahead of schedule.


Niagara Falls, NY

Celtic was contracted to perform Civil/Site work for a site in Niagara Falls, NY. Work included:

  • Complete site grading and backfill of the 40,000-sf area.

  • Design and construction of 18 concrete pads to support the modified

    mobile mining units.

  • Design and construction of 18 transformer pads, and 3 switchgear pads to support all electrical equipment.

  • All trenching, backfill, and concrete work required for underground electrical services to the containers.

  • All rigging and crane work required to unload and place the 18 mobile mining containers, 18 transformers, and 3 switchgears.

  • Work was safely and successfully completed ahead of schedule.

Railcar Dismantlement

Buffalo, NY

Celtic was contracted to perform a Railcar Dismantlement for a site in Buffalo, NY. Work included:

  • Complete dismantlement of 5 CSX railcars. Railcars included tankers,

    hoppers, flat deck, and box cars.

  • Safely and efficiently removed approximately 125 tons of steel and 14,000 lbs. of C&D from the area.

  • Special care was taken to ensure no damage occurred to the tracks below the cars.

  • Celtic worked with CSX to coordinate work activities to no disturb any ongoing operations.

Processing Plant Erection

Lackawanna, NY

 Structural Steel & Major Equipment Erection

  •  Complete erection of all required structural steel for a sugar refining plant.

  • Safely and efficiently installed over 100 structural steel beams, spanning 5 floors and reaching heights in excess of 115 ft.

  • Surgical demolition of original steel beams to allow for tie-ins to the existing building.

  • Rigged and placed all major equipment for the facility. Major equipment included 3 Strike Receivers (28,000 Lbs.), 3 Condensers (22,000 lbs.), and 3 Vacuum Pans (70,000 Lbs.).

  • Vacuum Pans came in many pieces and required complete construction and welding on the ground level.

  • Celtic safely worked around the clock to complete the project within owner’s requested timeline. 

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